Facts vs Fiction
Misinformation & Misinterpretations
Vote Informed!

Like most of you, I too am tired of Campaigns that focus on Opponents and Lies, rather than Candidates who use their platforms to inform voters of the qualities that will make them Great Representatives. Truly, running for office is our opportunity to share our resumes with you, in hopes you hire us as the best candidate for the elected job.
I have shared my First Term Accomplishments, my Platform Statement, and have always left it to the others to tell their own stories. This election year I cannot let the Misinformation go unanswered - because it maligns our County Staff; not just the elected leaders, but also the staff who diligently and professionally provide services to you, our constituents. Great Teams are in place at Pinal County, making great strides in improving government services!
A PAC has put up a group of candidates to run against Republican Incumbents this year; and many of the stories being told share only partial facts, and deal primarily with two critical offices - County Attorney and Sheriff.
I have personally worked with both gentlemen, and am impressed with their knowledge, integrity and character.
Having the Right People in Place is Critical to Insure Effective and Efficient Government.
Please take time to review this information
AND join me in voting JULY 30th!
This election year, I invite you to join me as I VOTE for Ross Teeple and Kent Volkmer
Below you will find out why. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

STORY: Kevin Cavanaugh Claims on his Campaign Literature to Have Been one of Mark Lamb’s Deputy Chiefs.
Mark Lamb confirmed Mr. Cavanaugh worked for the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) very briefly, but was never a PCSO Deputy of any kind. He did serve another way, for less than four months… Sheriff Lamb hired Mr. Cavanaugh in early 2017, to serve directly under Deputy Chief Bryan Harrell as an Administrative Commander. Typically, that civilian position would not require a polygraph (which is required of all Deputies). However, Pinal County accesses a state criminal database called Arizona Criminal Justice Info System (ACJIS) which requires every employee who ‘might’ have access to their confidential criminal justice info to complete a Polygraph or other Truth Verification Exam. Mr. Cavanaugh refused both. That meant, if he remained employed with PCSO, Pinal County would not be able to utilize this valuable State resource. He left the Sheriff’s Department. * PCSO Org Chart: There is only one Chief Deputy position. This Officer serves directly under the Sheriff; and oversees two Deputy Chiefs who split supervision of the Sheriff staff: one over Patrol [Sworn Officers/Bryan Harrell] and the other over Detention [Jail/Matt Hedricks]. Unfortunately the FCC https://www.npr.org/2022/03/17/1087047638/the-truth-in-political-advertising-youre-allowed-to-lie

STORY: Cavanaugh Knows (and Uses) His Right To Lie In Political Campaigning
It’s an abuse of the First Amendment. Constituents are complaining that Kevin floods the mail with lies about his opponents. His friend Wendy Rogers did the same thing to Senator Steve Smith in 2018. Last minute lies in the mail to turn voters. Can he not win on the truth, and his own accomplishments? No one wants liars in government. We need people with integrity! If Mr. Cavanaugh has so much information about horrible Pinal Deputies and injustice, why has he not reported his evidence to Internal Affairs? Continuous false claims he has made about corruption in Pinal County have been forwarded to third party investigators to eliminate all possibilities of Conflict of Interest; and found to be untrue, proven to be wasted time and money. Just stories. Does he make up these stories? So often his sources are un-named ‘whistleblowers’. It is sadly true that politicians are legally allowed to lie in campaigning. The FTC says advertisers cannot misrepresent to the public, but FCC and Courts say Politicians can, giving voters the responsibility to take it upon themselves to research the truth. Don’t be duped by Mr. Cavanaugh. He once claimed in a newspaper article in 2021 that the Board of Supervisors were a group of puppets. That is exactly what he is hoping of you.
The truth in political advertising:
'You're allowed to lie' - Article

STORY: Brad Miller Says Kent Volkmer is Soft on Crime. Not True. Check out these Statistics from the Courts!
Crime continued to decrease year after year once County Atty Kent Volkmer and Sheriff Mark Lamb teamed up in 2017; even as population steadily grew more than 25% over the past ten years. Their staff has been working together diligently and effectively, to keep the community safe; and they have received National recognition for their work! Crime has seen an uptick in the past year and a half due to the Fentanyl and Opioid Epidemic; so, that and Teen Violence are areas in which Volkmer and Teeple will be focused during this next 4 year term. The County will be receiving funding from a class action suit we joined against Pharma, which will help fund substance abuse treatment and other resources to help battle related crime.

STORY: Brad Miller says our Current County Attorney's Office Puts Dangerous Criminals Back on the Street through Diversion - Not True
Brad Miller Makes a Living Putting Criminals Back on the Street - True
“I’ve been practicing criminal law for over a decade…located in Florence, Arizona... I focus exclusively on defending those accused of violent and sex crimes—including murder, sexual battery, child molestation, aggravated assault with deadly weapons. I also handle DUIs (driving under the influence) and drug offenses.” This is what you 'would' know about Candidate Brad Miller if he had not replaced/redirected his Business Law Firm website with/to his polished campaign site. He spent his career defending crimes which the general public considers to be many of the most heinous offenses. This job of County Atty requires him to prosecute the same people he has been defending. Who makes our Pinal County and AZ streets safer - Kent Volkmer or Brad Miller?
STORY: Diversion is a Bad Program that Puts Dangerous Criminals Back on the Street - Not True
Impressive Stats & Success Stories. Listen to a quick summary of Diversion given by Kent Volkmer to the BOS. Have more time? Listen here to a 25 minute podcast interview with Pinal County's Diversion and Re-entry Leadership Team PODCAST: The Diversion Program & How It Makes Pinal County Safer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIBPCEG_yIQ Click the image to start video

STORY: The Sheriff's Office Ignored 100s of Complaints from Women of Abuse by Officers in Pinal - Not True
Years ago, two women living in the Copper Corridor of Eastern Pinal County did file complaints about the same Deputy. The Sheriff's Office investigated, then turned it over to Internal Affairs for further review. The Deputy was found guilty and fired. One other woman shared information about a second Deputy, but would not file a formal complaint. An investigation was still done, and that officer left the department. These are the only complaints received by the PCSO over the past eight years. Mark Lamb would never put up with abuse by his staff, nor will Ross Teeple. Neither tolerates this type of behavior from their colleagues. They are proud of the reputation of the Pinal County Sheriff's Office, and hold people accountable to those values. Mr. Cavanaugh tried hard dig up information to discredit the PCSO, but had to exaggerate stories instead. To paint a picture for the public, of our Pinal County Deputies, in this way is demeaning, dishonest and disrespectful of the great men and women who serve to keep our community safe.

STORY: Innovative Regional Economic Development Plan or Risky LUCID Investment?
Lucid was interested in Casa Grande due to its proximity to railways, highways and a population center that could provide employees. What a great opportunity for of Pinal County. As counties cannot offer any tax incentives available to cities and states, Pinal County bonded for the purchase of land. Lucid would pay all bond finance costs and repay the bonded debt within 5 years. The bond was collateralized to protect Pinal’s Investment; and paid back in full, ahead of schedule, with no cost to the taxpayers. If a default occurred, PC would recoup its loss by taking back the property, including all upgraded infrastructure and be able to sell the land to another buyer, or interested business developer. The result: Thousands of high paying jobs, long term property and business tax revenue for the County and Casa Grande, benefits of Lucid’s long term growth plan, and enhanced ripple economic development – attraction and future interest in Pinal County by related/partner industries as well as a variety of support and local businesses, large and small that will also bring jobs and revenues. A Safe Investment with a BIG Payoff.

STORY: Supervisors Accept Federal Grants with ESG Mandates Attached
Some say Pinal should not accept money with these kinds of strings attached. Federal overreach is the worry. ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance requirements. Property tax revenue accounts for only 25% of the annual budget. Pinal County does apply for many State and Federal Grants to help fund another 25% of the County’s Annual Budget. According to the County’s Budget and Finance Dept. the concern noted above is not an issue for Pinal County because only the highest dollar level grants include ESGs, and Pinal does not have a need for, nor do we apply for, those levels of funding with such stipulations. There are other types of very large State and Federal grant opportunities we do seek out, such as those to fund highway construction; but any added Federal requirements attached to those are typically only transportation related, and there are limited resources to fund our major road infrastructure; so those dollars are critical to transportation infrastructure and our ability to reduce traffic and improve travel safety. We did in early 2021 receive COVID money from the Feds that included a stipulation tied to extra money that could be spent on a staff member, or fund a temporary employee, who would see to it that communication about COVID related information made it to the far reaches of typically underserved and rural communities. We used a small share of that money to fund part of a health position for a short period of time, who did just that. There were no Federal stipulations or requirements to retain/share data about people in our community, or to require people to be vaccinated. If we did not need, or chose not to use the money to ensure everyone was informed, we had the option of returning the funding to the Feds. I first voted no on this grant in order to have an extra week or two to personally investigate this further, to be sure we were not beholden to infringing Federal mandates; and did vote to approve the grant funding at the following BOS meeting.

STORY: Pinal Does Not Support Small Business Development – Oracle Coffee Shop
A local woman decided to purchase an abandoned Circle K Gas Station and turn it in to a coffee shop in the small rural mountain town of Oracle in Eastern Pinal County. She went to the Pinal County Planning and Development office to find out what was required of her to open a business in this space. There she received a large packet of requirements for business development in Pinal, one of which was to hire and Engineer/Architect to draw up plans for her project. This is a typical requirement in most cities and counties, to have a certified professional with a current license create the blueprints and plans for the project, to insure public safety of any renovations or new construction. Another requirement for food service operations is to obtain a permit from the County Health Department, for which commercial equipment must be approved, and operational procedures and menus are approved before opening. The Health Department then returns every six months thereafter to insure food safety procedures are being followed and equipment is running and in good condition. These processes and permits serve the County’s AZ statutory requirement to protect the health of its residents and public. Unfortunately, the engineer hired by the business owner mistakenly thought the County would require her to install a turn lane in the main road, to turn into her parking lot; but that was not true. He told her to expect it would cost her more than $1million. Unfortunately, the owner also received poor advice from other sources, such as not needing a Health Department permit if she made it a private membership club, and that she could avoid following the County rules if she brought up Sovereign Citizenship. Instead of shutting her down, the County worked for many months to straighten out and clarify the issues. Today she has a thriving business that is a wonderful asset to the community, and draws people from outside Oracle. Hers, with other stories from small business and resident constituents around the County, prompted a deeper look into the processes, requirements, and timelines associated with gathering all the needed information to acquire permits and open a business, complete a remodel on a residential property, or begin a major commercial building project such as a new Fire Station. Pinal County is now looking into ways to simplify and streamline the processes, tailor the permit requirement booklets to specific types of projects, and to improve the customer service experience for all concerned. This year a new position was added to the County staffing. Each District has a liaison to interface between their area customers and County staff in the process, to track and facilitate the pathway through the system, eliminating un-necessary work and offering help through the challenges. This coming year, work will continue to analyze the processes and revamp the system as needed to help speed the timeline and make the entire process much more practical, and less frustrating.

STORY: Kent Volkmer let a Drunk Driver off the Hook - He Caused an Accident that Involved the Death of an Elderly Woman.
In Pinal County, we only charge people with a crime if evidence exists to support that charge. In this particularly tragic car crash on Oracle Rd in Eastern Pinal County, two cars collided during a left turn. One was driving south bound and another was turning left off of the highway, from a long left turn lane, into the SaddleBrooke Ranch community. If evidence showed the DUI driver (traveling south) had been responsible for the accident, the County Attorney would have charged him as the responsible party, and with manslaughter. Evidence showed the other driver caused the accident, by turning into oncoming traffic; but because it was an elderly husband in his 90’s driving his wife, who died shortly after from her injuries, it was unnecessary, and would have been cruel, to charge him with his own wife’s death. The DUI driver, who had a record of previous DUI offenses was NOT free from penalty for driving under the influence. Evidence showed he was in his lane doing the speed limit under cruise control. He was charged with DUI and because it was not his first, his license was immediately suspended, and his car required to be fitted with an ignition interlock into which he has to blow alcohol-free, before the car will start. His trial is coming; and as is always the case in America, a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty. He is expected to serve time for his DUI and will have to meet all legal requirements, such as substance use treatment and counselling, to reduce the risk of his driving under the influence in the future. The family naturally asked for an external review of the evidence; so, the files were sent to the State’s Attorney General office. They agreed with the findings of Pinal County. Maricopa County Attorney’s office also found the Pinal decision to be correct, as did 28 more attorneys. No attorney, other than the family’s attorney Brad Miller, found the DUI driver to be responsible.
STORY: Two Candidates are Running for Pinal Supervisor District 4. Peter Sabin Declared and Filed Sovereign Citizenship This Month.
Many people hold different beliefs. Sovereign Citizenship interest is growing across America, and it is wise to learn more about it. SovCits are generally Anti-Establishment. One of the great things we cherish about America is our Freedom. We have the freedom to disagree with other people, religions, and even our government. That is what makes our United States a unique Country. I personally like Mr. Sabin, and enjoy talking with him about ways Pinal County and government operations can improve. I however do think the role of government is important, especially finding the balance between protecting the safety of the community and individuals rights. You can learn more about Sovereign Citizenship all over the Internet, but here is a quick link to a basic info Wiki article: (or click the word Sovereign Citizenship in this Story Title) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_citizen_movement
STORY: Pinal Central Editorial by Donovan Kramer Jr.
What voters may not realize...
Most of the primary election choices in Pinal County are for Republican voters and independents who are so inclined to decide. What they may not realize is how some candidates are working together to challenge what has been an effective, stable government. Four years ago Kevin Cavanaugh got a surprise win of a seat on the Board of Supervisors in what had been a Democratic district. He previously had run for sheriff, Congress and justice of the peace without success. Since then, his antics have cost the county a huge amount of wasted time and dollars. After redistricting, he now mainly represents Maricopa instead of central and eastern Pinal and would have faced strong opposition in a run for reelection. Instead, he is running for sheriff. Cavanaugh this year complained that the county recorder, Dana Lewis, had played “white noise” in her office citing fears Cavanaugh was tapping it. Cavanaugh earlier had voted against the board’s agreement with Lewis to have her supervise elections and raised some odd points about how the county conducts them. In spite of that, Lewis has done a serious and competent job in an area that faces intense scrutiny. Cavanaugh’s notice of claim seeking almost half a million dollars was referred to the county’s insurance carrier under its normal operating procedures. Last year, Cavanaugh and the county each had to pay $20,000 to settle a lawsuit by two county employees over outrageous personal allegations he had made. Regardless of whether insurance coverage is involved, taxpayers clearly are impacted. He also has caused wasteful investigations with unfounded claims about colleagues. Cavanaugh’s opponents for the sheriff nomination are Lt. Ross Teeple, a military and Arizona Corrections veteran who has been a competent leader in the Sheriff’s Office, and Charles G. “Chas” Austin Jr., who also has law enforcement experience. The Democratic candidate is a veteran police chief, Patrick Melvin, who will advance to the general election. Meanwhile, Cavanaugh’s former chief of staff, Brad Miller, is challenging incumbent Kent Volkmer for county attorney. Volkmer has done an exemplary job of reorganizing an office that, under his predecessor, was costing the county a fortune in over-charging cases, including multiple death penalty cases that never should have been filed that way. Many other defendants had been languishing in jail with public defenders, all at taxpayer expense, when their cases should have been resolved. Brad Miller’s connection to Cavanaugh is a serious red flag. The election of either one could turn county government into a circus. Volkmer and Teeple clearly deserve nomination. In Volkmer’s case there will be no general election opposition, which would mean a third term that is good for Pinal County. — Donovan Kramer Jr.

Excerpts from Brad Miller's previous
Business Websites (images follow)...

STORY: Brad Miller's Private Practice Website seems to have been Amended Many Times; a Better Political Image?
I am Brad Miller, the founder and managing partner of a small town law firm. I’ve been practicing criminal law for over a decade and am located in Florence, Arizona which is just south of Phoenix. I focus exclusively on defending those accused of violent and sex crimes—including murder, sexual battery, child molestation, aggravated assault with deadly weapons. I also handle DUIs (driving under the influence) and drug offenses.
(August 2023 screen shot)
Now the info has changed on his Law website, and the viewer is re-directed to his campaign site.
Don't expect the drug issue to improve under Mr. Miller’s watch. He personally grew his Private Law Practice defending drug dealers and many of the most horrible types of crimes, as you can see from his past websites, which have all been conveniently amended or redirected since screen shots were captured last summer. Thankfully you can make up your own mind about what Brad Miller values most; and if he will now prosecute the types of crimes, and thousands of people he has been defending, and keeping out of jail, for more than 15 years. Now he has changed the info on his business website, and re-directed it to his campaign site, to 'present' a nice, polished, professional, community caring image of himself. Don't be duped!
A County Attorney would never defend Fake Electors. Election Integrity is Too Important to Us All.
Recounts were done all over the state. Many people were unhappy with the results of the 2020 election, and eight lawsuits unsuccessfully challenged the election results. Legal options to reverse the election outcomes were exhausted; so the Wards and nine other individuals around the county filed official documents to lawfully represent us, when they were not actually the legal Electors for Arizona. Pinal County will not stand for election fraud from anyone, of ANY political party or persuasion. We value the right of every qualified voter to have a voice in the decisions made on our ballots. Especially this month, as we honor the many Veterans who have laid their lives down to protect our Liberty, and the Privilege we have as Americans to elect our government, you have to know Election Integrity is most important to everyone who works in Pinal County. We have teams who have been working diligently the past three years to fine tune and improve the processes, adding redundancies and increased security. We will always look to find the best and most secure way to conduct this important right of all voters!

Make the Best Choices
...so we can continue to invest
wisely and thoughtfully in
Pinal County's Future and Safety