First Term Results
Jeff McClure worked to improve processes and bring more efficiencies to Pinal County government, as he supported and encouraged economic development; having a vision for the future that protects natural resources and helps people live robust lives.

From the very beginning, as he took office, Jeff had things in mind he wanted to accomplish; and he got right to it…
County preparing to cut tax rate 6 cents
Initiated improved budget processes; adding more rotating professional budget analysts to work with all department staff to ensure a structured budgeting process; allowing departments to advocate for their needs and reducing overlap, while also ensuring enough investment to provide operational efficiencies to meet the needs of the public.
County studying ways to reduce employee turnover
Looked at competitors in employment markets of various sectors, and increased pay as appropriate to improve quality employee retention, while still lowering property tax rate year over year.
McClure addresses Pinal issues in Arizona City
Worked with ATT&T to bring coverage to connection dead zones along the Pinal Parkway to improve safety for residents and travelers in that area. Still advocating with Verizon on its areas.
McClure named Chairman of Pinal Board of Supervisors
Initiated roll out a robust Re-Entry program for the Pinal County Detention Center. The program is for those released from incarceration and provides counseling, job training, and with help from the community networks, temporary housing.
Pinal at work on new $32M elections building
After the November 2022 election, pushed for more detailed procedures, adding redundancy checks; and deep analysis of all systems. Proposed a new modern election center be built in Florence. The facility was designed from the ground up to adequately provide election space and services to meet the current and future needs of a rapidly growing population. Pinal is considered the fastest growing county in the western U.S. in terms of percentage increase. Ground was broken March of 2023 with facility completion/operation to be ready the end of May 2024, in time for the 2024 Primary & General Elections. Paying cash today for infrastructure projects with tax revenues from new growth and development; so we do not have to borrow money, or bond for facilities.
McClure, county staff see progress on Sunland Gin
Organized and held regional Town Halls throughout the district, bringing panels of County staff and department heads to answer questions from local residents about their issues and concerns; helping to share a better understanding of different department processes and putting faces to County government.
New Supervisor Districts OK'd; Maricopa whole, Coolidge split
Florence State of the Town Speaker
Supervisors agree on average office budget
Opened his second budget season proposing to standardize the budgets for all Board of Supervisors’ offices, leading by example.
Ground broken on Inland Port roadway improvements
Elected Vice Chairman 2023
Arizona City Public Library is expanded; a much-needed addition to the community, allowing more space for the library’s collections but also for a community meeting space.
Submitted petition to FCC for satellite television modifications. Worked with our attorneys, Dish TV, FCC and Nielsen Ratings company to have the satellite TV market adjusted to accommodate Tucson stations to be broadcast in the southeastern portion of Pinal County, rather than the Phoenix stations. More progress made in 7 months than in the past 10 years. FCC Approval Received by Pinal County Spring 2024. Now waiting for modification by the TV channel operators to be fully implemented by June or July of 2024; channel choice available soon.
Kelly awards funds for Pinal ops center, speaks on I-10, water
With Pinal officials watching, Ducey approves funds to widen I-10
McClure, county staff see progress on Sunland Gin
Participated in Road Safety Assessments for Oracle and SaddleBrooke areas
Working with federal government regarding SCIP (San Carlos Irrigation Project - Utility Provider) Contacted Senators Sinema and Kelly, also liaised with AZ Governor’s office to work with Bureau of Indian Affairs to adjust rates for customers, reduced in May 2024. Met with BIA, TRICO and APS to innovate new solutions to increased demand and aging infrastructure. Presently waiting for additional action at the Federal level.
Working with Congressman Juan Ciscomani to acquire funding of critical heavy equipment for Oracle Fire District
to safely burn wild grasses removed from community properties in a high risk fire region of Eastern Pinal County.
Elected Vice Chairman 2024
Improvements being made and planned for improved Customer Service at the Planning and Development Dept. Liaisons were hired for each District, to interface with residents and staff, and track progress on permit applications.
Road Paving Scheduled throughout District Four
Pinal County Opens New Pinal VOTES Election Center in Florence
Serving on several Committees and Boards
· Workforce Arizona Council
· Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee
· Executive Board Pinal Regional Transportation Authority
· Executive Committee Pinal Partnership
· Pinal Partnership Water Resources Committee
· Public Safety Personnel Retirement Board
· Pinal Representative - Maricopa Assoc of Governments